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Robert Mutrie and John Cardiff based this list of place names on many sources -- including original research and many hours spent criss-crossing the county.

Robert G. Moore assisted with 19th century post office information and place names along Norfolk's western border with Elgin County. Wayne Jackson contributed several Houghton Township names. 
Jo Weitzel proof-read our efforts and recorded GPS coordinates.  

Publications consulted include: 

Big Creek Conservation Report 1963, compiled by Conservation Authorities Branch, Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, Toronto, Ontario, 1963. Out of print. Available for inspection at Norfolk Historical Society.

British Canadian newspaper, 8 Mar 1882 issue and 14 Mar 1888 issue, found on microfilm in the Archives of the Norfolk Historical Society at the Eva Brook Donly Museum in Simcoe, Ontario.

Illustrated Historical Atlas of County of Norfolk, Ontario
, published by H. R. Page & Co., Toronto, Ontario, 1877.  Out of print. 

Lore & Legends of Long Point by Harry B. Barrett, published by Burns & MacEachern Limited, Don Mills, Ontario, 1977.  Available for sale from Norfolk Historical Society.

Ontario: Official Road Map, published by Ministry of Transportation and Ministry of Tourism and Recreation, Ontario, 1996. Out of print.

Oxford and Norfolk Gazetteer & Directory, published by Sutherland & Co., Woodstock, Ontario, 1867. Out of print.

"Place Names of Norfolk County" by Henry Smith Johnson, in Historical Highlights of Norfolk County, compiled by Bruce M. Pearce, published by Griffin and Richmond Company Ltd., Hamilton, Ontario, 1973. Out of Print. Article available in booklet form, published by Norfolk Historical Society.
"Post Offices 1755-1895" by Frank W. Campbell, published in 1958.

Regions of Niagara & Haldimand-Norfolk Street Atlas by MapArt/Schwerdt Graphic Arts Ltd., 1998 Edition, published by Peter Heller Ltd., Oshawa, Ontario, 1998.

Simcoe Reformer newspaper, various issues

Townsend and Waterford: A Double Portrait by Blythe, Christopher, Sarah Brown and David Judd, published by Waterford and Townsend Historical Society, Waterford, Ontario, 1977.  Copies available for sale from Waterford and Townsend Historical Society.

Copyright 2000-2012 John Cardiff and Robert Mutrie