Etc. -- Mrs. W. Hamilton Mulkins' 1916 obituary
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A page 1 article from the 30 Nov 1916 Simcoe Reformer 
[Paragraph breaks inserted by the transcriber]

Death of a former Simcoe lady

Toronto Mail and Empire: Mrs. W. Hamilton Mulkins of 483 Delaware avenue, Toronto, passed away suddenly on Thursday morning, the 16th, at the family residence.

Mrs. Mulkins was born in Simcoe, Ont. The family moved to Toronto 38 years ago, and have lived here continuously ever since.

The deceased is survived by a husband and three children. One son, manager of the Bank of Ottawa, at Ottawa; Mrs. W. E. Booth of Summerhill avenue, Rosedale, and Mrs. George F. Boulter, of Prince Arthur avenue.

There are also nine grandchildren and two great-grandchilren. One grandson is overseas and two are preparing to go.

Mrs. Mulkins was a member of the Anglican Church and for many uears was an attendant of All Saints Church.

The interment took place Nov. 18 at Mount Pleasant Cemetery.

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