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Owing to the lack of an Assembly Hall a regular Literary Society has been an impossibility in our school. In lieu of this some of our forms have issued a monthly paper. Our magazine, The Monocle, is an outgrowth of these papers. Its publication will, we trust not only afford pleasure and profit to the teachers and pupils who have devoted their best efforts to it, but will be of interest to hundreds of our ex-students and to the public generally.

As the annual Departmental Examinations approach, we all become very much interested in the probable results. There are four grades of certificate for each subject of examination. The highest grade ranks from 75 to 100; the second, 66 to 75, third, 59 to 66, credit, 50 to 59. While a mark in the credit class suffices for a pass, it should be the aim of every candidate to reach the highest possible standard. With the earnest co-operation of parents, teachers, and pupils there is the hope that our school will duplicate the success of last year.

Principal, Simcoe High School.


Copyright 2015 John Cardiff