Simcoe High 1914
Simcoe High School, Form Four 1913-14
Last updated: 24 Mar 2016
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Person 14-28

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This may be student: Laird Gilbertson
Tentatively identified by John Cardiff.

From John: Robert Laird, the son of Joseph Gilbertson and Margaret Miller, and brother of classmate Eva Gilbertson
was born in 1899 in Simcoe. Laird was an ophthalmogist at Morristown Memorial Hospital in New Jersey  for 50 years. 
He married Marjorie Hardy and they had two children. 
Laird and his wife died 1985 and are buried in Simcoe's Oakwood Cemetery.

If you can confirm this person's identity and perhaps 
tell us more, please e-mail your contribution 
(re Person 14-28) to John Cardiff. 
Your response will be posted here.

If we receive conflicting identifications/bios, both will be posted here until we verify one of them.
Our tour of people in the photo is organized from row, front to back, left to right.


Copyright 2016 John Cardiff