Stories from Norfolk's History
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From the 23 Feb 1881 British Canadian page 3
[Not a complete transcription]


From the report of the Registrar General of Ontario for the year 1879, we gather the following information.

During the year there were 41,035 births, 12,509 marriages, and 17,938 deaths registered in Ontario. In the


there were 715 births, 265 marriages, and 325 deaths. In the Town of Simcoe there were 87 births, 48 marriages and 35 deaths. The following table shows the number of


in each month of the year, as well as the sex, for the whole County--
Month Males Females Total
January 40 35 75
February 21 28 49
March 49 32 81
April 30 24 54
May 34 24 58
June 22 21 43
July 33 20 59
August 36 29 65
September 32 22 54
October 32 29 61
November 34 36 70
December 21 25 46
Total 384 331 715
Twins,  16 Illegitimate,  11


The following table shows the number of marriages in each month--
January . . . . . 25
February . . . .  23
March  . . . . . .  26
April . . . . . . . . 12
May  . . . . . . . .  18
June . . . . . . . . 16
July . . . . . . . . . 21
August . . . . . . . 18
September  . . . 25
October  . . . . . 27
November . . . . 22
December  . . . .
The following table illustrates the ages of the persons married--


Under 20
20 and under 25
25 and under 30
30 and under 35
35 and under 40
40 and under 45
45 and under 50
50 and under 55
55 and under 60
60 and under 65
65 and under 70
Males Females
4 77
119 126
82 33
19 10
11 5
6 5
7 4
7 2
2 0
5 1
3 1

British Canadian newspaper


Males 173; females 152; total 325. One quarter of the whole number that died were under four years of age.


Blacksmith 1
butcher 1
baker 1
carpenters 2
clergymen 2
contractor 1
farmers 59
farmers' wives 54
gentleman 1
housewives 10
laborers 9
lumbermen 2
lawyers 1
millers 2
manufacturer 1
merchant 1
other mechanic 1
physicians 2
public officials 2
railroad employees 2
shoemaker 1
sailors 2
tavenkeepers 2

Causes of Death
[abbreviated, rearranged]

phithisis 45
old age 30
infantile debility 23
convulsions 21
pneumonia 19
congestion lungs 15
diphtheria 14
fever 11
paralysis 10
typhoid fever 6
apoplexy 5
childbirth 5
croup 5
diarrhoea [sic] 5
other causes 37
total 251
causes not given 75
grand total 325
[All numbers sic]

Copyright 2004-2012 John Cardiff and Norfolk Historical Society